Does olive oil contain Vitamin E?

Olive oil, which I use for cooking on a daily basis, is one of the most complete foods around. For instance, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants. But what many people wonder (that may include you) is whether olive oil contains Vitamin E? The answer is clearly yes: extra virgin olive oil is a natural source for vitamin E. Let’s focus on its benefits.


For a more thorough view of all the good things you can get from the Vitamin E found in extra virgin olive oil, here goes a detailed list:

  • Antioxidant: Vitamin E (also known as tocopherol) is a natural antioxidant. It helps protect you against diseases such as cancer, and it also slows the aging of your skin and body in general.
  • It strengthens your brain: Vitamin E helps keep your brain up and running, protecting you from complications such as dementia in old age.
  • It improves your eyesight: Vitamin E is perfect for healthier eyes.
  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases:It is highly effective against diabetes, cholesterol and obesity, and it also helps prevent heart attacks.

Toasted bread with garlic, herbs and olive oil on wooden background.

The high Vitamin E content of extra virgin olive oil is what makes it such a high quality oil. That’s why dieticians and nutritionists from all over the world recommend that we include the famous liquid gold in our everyday diet.

Now you know the benefits of Vitamin E for your body. Add extra virgin olive oil to your diet and reap all the benefits.


What does cold pressed olive oil really mean?

In the world of olive oil we often hear the expression ‘cold pressed’ or ‘cold extracted’. But as consumers we may not really understand what this means. As a result, doubts may arise on whether it is good quality or whether it has any value added. I’ll provide an explanation of what it means to clarify the picture.


Cold extraction is one of the stages in the production of extra virgin olive oil. It’s a stage where innovation has enhanced the product. In the old days the olives were pressed using a mill powered by beasts of burden. Later on, pressing machines were made that improved the technique of squeezing the olives to bring out the olive juice. Nowadays the machinery used is state-of-the-art, yielding an even higher quality product.

But what do we get from cold extraction (or cold pressing)? We maintain all the natural qualities of the olives, which are many. The word ‘cold’ comes in because the oil is extracted at a temperature of no more than 27° C (80° F). At that temperature we get pure extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality–that’s what we produce at Carapelli. Even though the yield is lower using the same resources, it is well worth the difference.

Fresh-pressed green virgin olive oil flowing from olive press spout (close-up).


On the other hand, oil extracted by pressing it at a temperature of over 27° C will lose some nutritional qualities that benefit your health. This is due to the presence of volatile compounds, which evaporate rapidly if the temperature rises above the threshold we stated.

With cold pressing the output in terms of volume will be lower, but we are assured that it will be exceptional quality oil. For instance, the acidity is lower, which makes it a higher quality product.

Another quality provided by ‘cold extraction’ techniques is that it abides by strict safety and hygiene controls. With this we ensure not only the highest quality but also that the best health requirements are met in the production of extra virgin olive oil.

Now that you know what cold pressed olive oil really means, together with the characteristics of the end product, you can be assured that extra virgin olive oil will no doubt be the best choice in your kitchen.

Characteristics that make Carapelli different

I’m glad you’ve come here. You are most likely a regular consumer of extra virgin olive oil or are starting to get used to liquid gold. Today I’ll speak about the characteristics that make Carapelli’s EVOO different. They should finish winning you over.


There is no hay better guarantee than 125 years of experience in the art of making extra virgin olive oil. Generation after generation to achieve mastery in each and every one of the processes. From the olive groves to the bottle at your home.

Carapelli’s master oliari and blenders are the ones responsible for the excellence of their extra virgin olive oil. They go through every olive grove and every pressing mill to select the best raw materials, to get to know the smallest detail of each variety, combining the different flavors until reaching absolutely unique nuances, ensuring that the whole process meets the strictest quality standards.

This experience has been passed down through the generations and we currently have a team of master blenders who are able to select the best olive groves in the Mediterranean region. Only in this way do we achieve the results you know–an extra virgin olive oil with outstanding nuances and aromas.

Over the years, Carapelli has stood out as a pioneering company. Back in the day, thanks to their know-how their extra virgin oils reached consumers’ tables and became a popular household product. Now Carapelli takes it one step further. Now it’s not just an extra virgin oil. Now Carapelli provides a genuine culinary experience.


Passion is a key factor and at Carapelli it is always present. The masters put their heart into every stage of the process. I assure you that you can taste that passion. Besides this, every profile in the range matches perfectly with certain foods and tastes, increasing and enhancing the experience.

Not just any type of olive will take you to such a high standard. The only way to get there is by using the best varieties of olives, and those that are in the best condition.

This comprehensive selection yields an extra virgin olive oil with acidity at 0.5 degrees (our internal standard). And the olives are always cold pressed, at a temperature of no more than 27° C (80° F). This allows all the properties of this product to be conserved, making it even purer.

These and many other characteristics make every Carapelli extra virgin olive oil a masterpiece that you can indulge in. Use it to create more works of art on the canvas set before you in every dish you prepare. Enjoy it!

What makes the Mediterranean diet so healthy?

I’m not the only one saying it. Expert nutritionists all over the world acknowledge the fact that the Mediterranean diet is perfect for our health. We find extra virgin olive oil at the core of this culinary lifestyle and we know about its benefits. But of course EVOO goes along with many other products. So what makes the Mediterranean diet so healthy?


The Mediterranean diet comprises a wide range of foods: legumes, vegetables, fruit, fish, meat, cereal, dairy products … all of which contain many vitamins and minerals. Aside from allowing us to enjoy very tasty dishes, the variety helps us take care of our health every day.

On the other hand, extra virgin olive oil is the star ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. We use it for cooking, we use it as a dressing and it is rich in antioxidants, which increases life expectancy if you consume it regularly.


The Mediterranean diet has proven that it is ideal for preventing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, high cholesterol… The foods included in the diet provide us with the extra nutrients and vitamins that our body needs, aside from being low in saturated fats.

As you can see, the Mediterranean diet is about the healthiest thing around. You’re still in time to join those of us who thrive on healthy food. What’s keeping you back?

How many calories do olives have?

Olives are a classic in the Mediterranean cuisine. Both for consumption and for producing olive oil. In these days we want to take care of ourselves with a healthy diet and we want to know about our calorie intake. Today I’ll specifically mention the calories contained in olives and their nutritional properties.


Before speaking of the calorie intake you get from olives, it’s important to be aware of their properties. They are an essential source of healthy fats and they help our cardiovascular system. This is the reason why many nutritionists recommend following the Mediterranean diet, the main ingredient of which is extra virgin olive oil.

Green olives in the bowl on wooden table

On the other hand, olives have antioxidant properties, protecting us both inside and out and preventing premature aging.


We’ll finally see how many calories each type of olive has:

  • Green Olives: Since they are harvested at the optimal point of ripeness their fat content is lower, meaning that they are the olives with fewest caloriesEach olive has around 4 or 5 calories, so a serving of 10 olives would mean 40 to 50 calories.
  • Black Olives: These olives are harvested at their maximum point of ripeness, therefore their fat content is a bit higher. Black olives have approximately 6 calories, so eating a serving of 10 olives means you take in 60 calories.
  • Stuffed Olives: These are on the rise and you can find olives stuffed with many different goodies. Surely you’ve tried anchovy stuffed olives, but what about olives stuffed with cheese? Their flavor is unparalleled, but obviously the calorie intake goes up. These types of olives may have from 7 to 9 calories per unit, which can often add up to 90 calories per serving.
Cubes of feta cheese in olive wood bowl and green and black olives on rustic wooden background. Selective focus.


Here goes a straight answer: it depends on how many you eat, just as with any other food. A serving of 10 olives will not add too many calories, and we’re talking about a food containing natural fat, in other words a healthy type of food.

Now you know how many calories you will get from an olive. You can easily continue to enjoy those little moments of pleasure, savoring your favorite olives. No need to fret about gaining a few odd calories.

How to use extra virgin olive oil when you’re cooking

I enjoy cooking at home, more and more every day. I follow the traditional recipes from my family and (provided I can and know how to) try to give them a personal touch or make inroads into modern cuisine. Surely you are interested in gastronomy and you like to spend time cooking in the kitchen. You know that extra virgin olive oil is a necessary complement, that’s why I’ll help you use it in the best possible way.


There’s no doubt here, it’s extra virgin olive oil. Why? First of all, because of its incredible attributes that are good for our health, foremost among which are antioxidants (via polyphenol). On the other hand, EVOO is a low acidity oil that makes your recipes tastier, whether pouring it on raw or adding it when cooking.

Although there are other types of oils, my recommendation is to always use extra virgin oil. Besides what I’ve commented above, it also helps other foods to maintain their nourishment properties.


‘Smoke point’ is the name we give to the moment when oil starts burning. Extra virgin olive oil is perfectly stable at high temperatures. The smoke point for EVOO is around 160° C (320° F). Knowing this will allow you to give each of your dishes a unique flavor.


There are many varieties of olives that make oils so delightful. At Carapelli they also rely on their Master Blenders, who are perfectly aware of the different flavors provided by each variety and they know how to combine them to increase your possibilities when cooking.

Each of their bottles offers different nuances for your palate, plus pairings with other ingredients to ensure that your culinary creativity grows exponentially.

As you can see, there’s an extra virgin olive oil for every moment. Now that you know more about using olive oil when cooking, your dishes will be even tastier. All we need to do now is roll up our sleeves and create recipes to thrill everyone.

Eight health benefits of the Mediterranean diet

Flavor, health, variety … The Mediterranean diet enjoys worldwide fame thanks to all the culinary possibilities it allows and the many different foods it comprises, and extra virgin olive oil just happens to be its star product. Considering all the qualities of liquid gold and its central role in this diet, just think of all the health benefits it has.

Combining extra virgin olive oil, vegetables, fruit, legumes, dairy products, rice, meat, fish, etc. in your daily diet can be summed up in the expression ‘taking good care of yourself’. This makes the Mediterranean diet one of the most complete approaches to food you can find today. That’s why today I want to talk about eight health benefits of the Mediterranean diet that will be a pleasant surprise for you. You should find them interesting:


It prevents obesity in children and adults alike, because the calorie intake is low and it is rich in natural foods. For the afternoon snack, do away with industrial baked products and have a piece of fresh fruit and you’ll soon be able to notice the results.


It prevents cardiovascular diseases, because it keeps down cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood.


It is highly effective against diabetes. The Mediterranean diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, aside from being low in fat. This largely brings down the risk of suffering such a common disease as diabetes.

Olive oil in a metalic bowl on a table


Foods in the Mediterranean diet, thanks to their antioxidants, prevent premature aging. Many of the antioxidants come from extra virgin olive oil, which not only take care of our body on the inside–they also give us a healthier appearance on the outside.


It is a very effective diet in terms of rapidly eliminating toxins from our body, aside from aiding our digestion and taking care of our liver.


It keeps your bones strong. This is possible thanks to calcium intake, something we get every day and which is an essential part of our nourishment.


This diet increases our immune capacity and our body’s defenses thanks to the high vitamin and mineral content.

High angle shot of a woman preparing a salad in a kitchen

As I have often written in these months on this journey we’ve taken, olive oil is one of the major ingredients of the Mediterranean diet. A significant part of the benefits named here have to do with its qualities. The high quality and the monounsaturated fats of this oil make for a healthier heart and a longer life. Now that you are aware of all the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, how about following up in your day to day life?

Is it safe to cook with olive oil?

I’m sure that, just like me, you love to cook, trying out new products and flavors, creating dishes using the ingredients at hand in your refrigerator … Now it’s normal for you to wonder at times whether it’s safe to cook with olive oil and whether your dishes will be up to the standard you are seeking. The answer is ‘Yes’, it’s safe, and I’ll explain why.


For starters, extra virgin olive oil can reach a temperature of 180° C (356° F) without altering its properties or degrading. This is possible thanks to its monounsaturated fats, which hardly generate aldehydes …. And it helps boost the flavors of all the ingredients we use when cooking.

On the other hand, and just as important, our health takes center stage. Extra virgin olive oil contains natural antioxidants, among many other beneficial elements. There is nothing safer in your kitchen than a product that is healthy for your body–with the added advantage of being able to have it raw or adding it in any stage of the cooking process.

Sauteed Garlic and Rosemary in Olive OIl


I assure you that is safer to cook with olive oil. And here goes a tip to make the most of your EVOO. Don’t let the oil heat up to the point where it releases smoke, because that means you’re burning it and it will lose its properties.

Now that you are assured that it is not only safe but truly recommendable to cook with olive oil, what will your next recipe be?

Extra virgin olive oil: the most common aromas and flavors

As I have already written in the lines making up this blog, there are many different olive varieties. As you are aware, this leads to a number of different nuances in the world of EVOO. I have not yet written about the aromas and flavors provided by these different types of olives. I’ll start out with those that are most common.


This attribute refers to oil extracted from green or mature olives. In the oils obtained from olives harvested early you will find an aroma and flavor of green leaves, artichoke and/or eggplant, depending on the variety of olives used. These are very fresh nuances that add to the personality of extra virgin olive oil.

olive plantation


Smelling olive oil and detecting the fruity smell of freshly cut grass with notes of sweet basil, cinnamon or mint is something you can grasp in quality EVOO.


Another note you can detect is a slight bitterness with fruit nuances. At this point, when tasting the olive oil it may suggest flavors such as banana, apple or citrus fruits.

NUTS: Walnuts, Almonds

At the end of the tasting process is where the spiciness of olive oil made from green olives (richer in polyphenol) shows up. At that moment and in the aftertaste is where you can detect touches of nuts such as walnuts or almonds.

Of course tasting notes consider many more variables, such as median defects and fruitiness (as well as chemical tests). But the few things I’ve told you here should serve as a basis to widen your knowledge and further your enjoyment of extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil extraction methods

Oil freaks such as you and I are always eager to learn new details of how the liquid gold we cherish makes it to our table. In the next few lines I will tell you about the extraction process used to obtain olive oil. You will learn why it is of such high quality, but also how innovation continues to respect tradition.

I have chosen a picture of an old mill to illustrate this post as a metaphor of the craft and mastery of old applied to modern times, because the process really hasn’t changed that much over the centuries. Let’s go:


Once the harvest has ended and the best olives are selected, the extraction process begins. Our raw material, gathered from olive trees while the olives are still green to ensure maximum quality, should not be stored for more than just a few hours, in order to avoid the commencement of fermentation.

Having fun wile working and learning about how to make Olive Oil.

In the oil mill, the olives are crushed, including the olive pits. Next the stirring process begins, agitating the product obtained from the pressing in order to separate the oil from all the solid particles. This is a key procedure, because the temperature must not exceed 27° C (80° F) in order to maintain all the benefits and the maximum quality of the oil.


The next step in the process of extracting the oil is centrifugation. The purpose is to separate any excess water and residue. Here machines work at full throttle to achieve a premium result.


Last of all comes the decanting process. This is done to do away with any remaining water in the oil, and finally we have a high quality extra virgin olive oil.

Process of production fresh olive oil.

As you can see, each of these stages is essential and a series of specific steps must be taken to ensure that the end product is exceptional. This is how they do it at Carapelli, where they showed me the entire process in detail and meet their commitment to certified quality. Now it’s time to bid you farewell till the next post. Sorry you can’t join me–I’m about to indulge in the taste of the finest olive oil.