Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil?

Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil?

Many of you might be wondering the following: “Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil?” By definition, olive oil is in fact a vegetable oil because it comes from the olive tree. It’s common for this to generate some confusion, however.

Extra virgin olive oil seems to fit in a different category to all other vegetable oils, thanks to its wonderful variety, nutritional benefits and various flavors that make it worthy of tasting. All these qualities make it a truly gourmet quality product, unlike other vegetable oils that don’t share these characteristics.

If we return to the question (“Can I use olive oil instead of vegetable oil?”) and consider olive oil as a product in its own category, the answer is a resounding yes. Not only CAN you do it, you MUST do it! It’s been proven that extra virgin olive oil is the vegetable oil with most stability and resistance when subjected to high temperatures. These characteristics make it perfect for cooking and for frying.

It’s widely believed that using extra virgin olive oil in cooking is a waste, that it devalues it somehow, and that it is better to use other oils such as sunflower oil for cooking instead. However, this belief is misguided. Sunflower oil can only withstand a short induction time before it goes bad, while olive oil can withstand up to almost 30 hours of induction without deteriorating.

pouring eating oil in frying pan

As well as buying meat, fish and other fresh and premium quality foods, why not buy Carapelli Extra Virgin Olive Oil too? You should have it in most of your dishes as it’ll provide you with many organoleptic and healthy benefits!

Olives: difference between green and black

What is an olive: Differences between green and black olives

As well as being a delicious delicacy with a whole range of nutritional properties, the olive is, essentially, the fruit from the olive tree. As you are probably aware, it is also the only ingredient in extra virgin olive oil. Discovering what an olive is and its various colors is very enlightening.

As with all fruits, the olive goes through various colors as it develops. It starts with a pale green tone, which gradually darkens until it turns purple and, finally, it reaches peak maturation when it turns black. Green and black olives only differ due to the stage of development they are at.

Both the moment of olive harvesting and the variety of olive tree it comes from go to form a huge classification of oils. What is an olive without a good master oliari? The selection itself is essential for producing olive oils with superb organoleptic qualities. This is how Carapelli oils are created.

The oil produced by each olive

Understanding what an olive is and what its qualities are at different ages is essential to achieve the various organoleptic nuances in the oils that are produced.

• Green olives produce an oil with an intense, spicy and slightly bitter flavor, with aromatic notes of olive leaves, green apple and banana peel.

• Olives with changing colors produce oils that are rich in flavorful aromas and nuances, both green and ripe olives.

• Purple olives produce oils that are less spicy and bitter than those above. Their aroma is reminiscent of ripe fruit and tomato leaves.

• It’s difficult to obtain a good oil from black olives, because the acidity percentage in their fruit prevents the creation of extra virgin oils.

Differences between cooking oils

The huge diversity of cooking oils mainly exists to adjust dishes to give them a specific personality. Each extra virgin olive oil is designed to pair with certain types of recipes and take them to a higher level, gastronomically speaking. These are the perfect oils for creating gourmet recipes.

• Salads and fried dishes

The ideal olive oil for serving cold is, without a doubt, Carapelli Oro Verde, a contemporary, fresh and elegant oil with a fruity flavor that will add a very special touch to your recipes. This oil is ideal for adding to salads, carpaccio, tartare, bruschetta and even your olives.

• Stews

One of everybody’s favorite cooking oils for stews is Carapelli Il Nobile. The flavor released by this oil evokes the flavor of fresh olives. Its aroma of green almond, leaves and hint of artichoke carries the aromas of the countryside to your table. Whether you’re preparing minestrone soup, ossobuco or bolognese, it’s not really the type of dish that matters: what matters is the oil you’re using to prepare it.

• Fried dishes

To make crispy fried dishes with a fantastic taste, it is essential for the oil being used to not have a particularly strong flavor. It should be smooth, balanced and have just the right nuances to enhance the flavor of the foods that it is used to fry. Carapelli Organic cooking oil is, without a doubt, the perfect oil for creating this type of recipe.

• Desserts


Desserts prepared using extra virgin olive oil take on a different texture and a delicious flavor, especially when paired with the right oil. Carapelli Non Filtrato is an excellent oil for this type of recipe. Its natural character gives off notes of fresh almond and walnut, which blend with a delicious aroma of apple. The perfect touches for a delicious cake.

Cooking with the soul of a chef means masterfully appreciating and combining ingredients. The diverse range of cooking oils are used for various specific recipes so that your final dish is made up of flavors that combine to perfection. Carapelli transforms and enhances your recipes.

Why is olive oil good for you?

Why is olive oil good for you?

I’m sure you’ve noticed that it’s increasingly common these days to use extra virgin olive oil for cooking, frying, dressing and pairing with the best recipes. This is because of its superb quality and the great benefits it brings to our health. Olive oil is undoubtedly good for you and for the flavor of your dishes.

There are many reasons why extra virgin olive oil is a wonderful food for our bodies:

• It benefits the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This gives you better day-to-day health, which does in turn enable you to lead a more physically active life and to feel energetic throughout the day.

• It is a natural antioxidant, which is beneficial for both your external appearance (skin, hair, nails, etc.) and for your internal processes (digestion, fatigue levels, etc.). Feel forever young, thanks to the properties of extra virgin olive oil.

• It benefits good neuron cell operation, thanks to its antioxidants. It therefore improves memory, learning ability and the ability to think clearly.

• It reduces, benefits and prevents type 2 diabetes. Some properties of this oil are capable of regulating sugar levels and insulin production.

• It is also a natural anti-inflammatory agent and, therefore, reduces joint pain and makes you feel more agile.

These are just some of the reasons why olive oil is good for you. In addition to these benefits, its delicious flavor and exceptional ability to be paired with certain recipes further extol its virtues. Be sure to consume a premium quality olive oil.

What is saturated fat? Is it good or bad?

What is saturated fat? Is it good or bad?

Anybody interested in the world of health is bound to be familiar with the term “saturated fat”. To understand exactly what saturated fat is and to know whether or not it’s healthy, it’s essential to understand its composition and its effects on our health.

Saturated fats are made up of triglycerides. The type of fatty acid they consist of have no double bond between their molecules, resulting in the foods that contain these fats being solid at room temperature.

This type of lipid increases LDL cholesterol: that is, the low density cholesterol that is harmful to the body. Consuming this type of excess fat, therefore, increases the risk of developing heart and cerebrovascular diseases, as cholesterol accumulates in the arteries. As you can see, having an understanding of what saturated fat is is essential for good health care.

¿What is saturated fat, is it good or bad? Consumed excessively, it is harmful. Our recommendation is that you avoid consuming saturated fats every day. Modify your diet and consume fats such as Carapelli extra virgin olive oil, where you’ll find that great taste and good health go together.

Sources of saturated fat

Saturated fats are generally those derived from the animal world. There are some exceptions, however: they can also be found in plants such as palm oil and coconut oil. Reducing the consumption of these foods is vital for our health:

• Red meat

• Chicken skin

• Full fat dairy products

• Butter

• Lard

Juicy beef steak with spices and herbs on cutting board.

Is the price of olive oil a determining factor when choosing the oil?

It is true that quality production requires greater economic investment and, as a result, the final product cannot be overly cheap. However, some brands take advantage of this logical reasoning and increase the price of olive oil to mislead those who are less knowledgeable.

Price isn’t everything

There are superior quality extra virgin olive oils that can be bought at a reasonable price, so price cannot be considered grounds for selection. These four essentials for recognizing a good olive oil can help you select the most appropriate oil, without having to overspend:

• It is extra virgin. Either because this is specified on the label or because it has less than 0.8º acidity.

• It has been produced through cold processes. The packaging of the oil must indicate that the oil was cold pressed, or cold extracted, to ensure that the oil is full of beneficial qualities.

• Its packaging is dark and made of good material. A dark glass bottle is something that is noticeable more quickly than the price of olive oil. This type of packaging is essential to protect the oil and conserve it in perfect condition.

• Its expiration date. The fresher the product is, the more nutrients and organoleptic properties it will have. Make sure the expiration date is a reasonable time after the time of purchase.

A product like Carapelli oil, cared for through each step of production and designed to give pleasure to those who consume it, doesn’t need to raise its prices. That’s why the price of olive oil should never be used as a benchmark of distinction.

The best olive tree plant according to Master Oliari.

As you already know, the Master Oliari select the trees that produce the best olives. The quality of the raw material forms the basis of the quality of the final product, and not just any old olive tree plant is able to produce a superior olive oil.

Characteristics of a great olive tree

The Master Oliari carefully choose the olives that will be processed to become EVOO. In order to do this, they take into consideration a set of circumstances—including temperature, the condition of the land in which they are planted and their development—when making their selection.

• Ambient temperature

The large number of olive tree plant varieties means some survive better in cooler environments and others in warmer ones. Generally speaking, olive trees best develop at a temperature of between 10ºC (50ºF) and 30ºC (86ºF).

If temperatures fall below 10ºC (50ºF), olive trees enter a winter rest period. On the other hand, at temperatures greater than 30ºC (86ºF) olive trees stop developing. The Master Oliari observe temperature fluctuations throughout the year to make sure they can identify the best olive trees.

• The land

It is true that the olive tree plant has a certain hardiness that enables it to take root in various types of soil. Not all soils, however, are ideal for olive tree development, and the type of soil affects the quality of the fruit. To produce top-quality olives, the trees must be planted on lands with loamy textures and good drainage, in order to avoid root asphyxia.

In addition, the soil must have a pH value of pH7 to achieve optimal olive tree development. In order to prevent the fruit from becoming toxic, it is essential that the soil isn’t acidic.

Manual harvesting of olives in an olive grove

• Healthy development

Just like any plant, the olive tree plant is susceptible to pests and diseases that need to be eradicated in time. It is important for eradication methods to protect environmental health and to avoid modifying the quality of the fruit.

The Master Oliari consider the full range of variables before identifying the olive trees that are in top condition, and they select the olives from those trees at the perfect point of ripeness. This is how they manage to produce Carapelli EVOO: using top quality raw material.

Something you need to know about EVOO in food.

The quality of a great meal is captured in the flavors that touch the palate. Sure you know that cooking with extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest way to prepare your recipes, but did you know that EVOO in food also enhances the flavors of your dishes, raising their culinary status?

Frying with extra virgin olive oil, for example, creates perfect fried dishes. The consistency and high stability of olive oil are essential to achieve a crispy crust without an excessive flavor of oil, since the oil is not absorbed easily. The end result is a spectacular fried dish. Using sunflower oil produces a very different result: sunflower oil always gives fried dishes the same flavor due to an excess absorption of this oil in foods.

Another key point about EVOO in food is the wonderful pairing of different varieties of oils with certain specific foods. The aroma of an olive oil, far from overwhelming the flavor of foods, enhances and complements their flavor. This is the secret of all our recipes: a great pairing of the oil I use with specific dishes. Cooking with butter or other kinds of oil does not have this flavor-enhancing effect; on the contrary, recipes can be rather lacking in variety in terms of flavor.

Considering all the benefits of extra virgin olive oil on top of its exquisite flavor leaves us with no doubt. That is why this food is known as ‘liquid gold’: using EVOO in food is a true treasure to behold.

Can olive oil raise your cholesterol?.

When I say that olive oil can raise your cholesterol, I often receive puzzled looks. As you are probably aware, there are two types of cholesterol: one is harmful to health but the other is beneficial to health. EVOO increases HDL cholesterol, which is the type that benefits cardiovascular health.

HDL cholesterol produced by EVOO

• Extra virgin olive oil has a high percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids—the lipids that are responsible for increasing the level of HDL cholesterol in the blood

• This type of fatty acid contains a high-density lipoprotein that is responsible for mobilizing excess cholesterol from arteries and blood vessels and directing it to the liver.

• Once in the liver, excess cholesterol is metabolized to subsequently be flushed out of the body.

Olive oil can raise your HDL cholestero and, as a result, remove excess fat from the arterial walls. In so doing, it reduces the risk of heart disease, since it prevents the obstruction of blood circulation, as well as reducing the risk of potential clot formations that are capable of causing heart attacks or strokes.

HDL cholesterol is also crucial to ensure basic body functions, including membrane formation and agility in neural activity.

In summary, olive oil can raise your levels of healthy cholesterol while reducing the LDL cholesterol which is harmful to the body. That’s why we always recommend consuming at least two tablespoons of Carapelli EVOO per day, ensuring excellent cardiovascular health to add to the ultimate delight of consuming this oil.

Wat’s the best olive oil for cooking at home?

The wide variety of olive oils makes it difficult to know which oil is the most suitable for each dish. Paired well, olive oil gives a wonderful aroma, flavor and body to your recipes. That’s why I always say that the best olive oil for cooking depends on the recipe you want to prepare.


The ideal way to create a stew is to cook with a balanced oil whose flavor contains notes of dried leaves and aromatic plants. This makes Carapelli Il Centenario EVOO an optimal oil for cooking such recipes. Whenever I use this oil to prepare my stews, the aroma of tomato leaves, green leaves, fresh vegetables and artichoke combine perfectly to give my stew a fantastic homemade and gourmet flavor.

Fish and seafood

Fish and seafood dishes more often than not have quite an intense flavor and, as a result, it is essential that the oil used for cooking these dishes has a subtle and harmonious flavor. Carapelli Organic oil goes perfectly with recipes for this type of food. Its balanced, simple and pleasant flavor and the aroma of leaves and vegetables make it the perfect complement for fish and seafood.

Red and white meats

Chicken brochettes can be a superb dish. The secret of this dish is that all its ingredients are fresh and seasonal. Olive oil, of course, plays a fundamental role. When I cook meat, whether red or white, I season it with Carapelli Oro Verde oil. This is the best olive oil for cooking roast meats, and also for grilling, giving them a superb flavor.

Pasta and rice dishes

Italian cuisine is one of the most characteristic cuisines of the Mediterranean. The best olive oil for cooking pasta, pizza, and even risotto, must be an authentically Italian one. It should have a spicy and bitter touch, one that is balanced with a slightly fruity flavor. I prepare these dishes with Carapelli Il Nobile oil, a superb oil made from fresh olives that evokes an aroma of green almond and artichoke and is worthy of Tuscany.


The best olive oil for preparing desserts is characterized by a balanced and slightly fruity flavor. Non Filtrato extra virgin olive oil helps to create a superb dessert, thanks to its natural almond, walnut and apple notes.

Enjoying fine cuisine with traditional recipes is really simple when you use an ideal complement for certain types of dishes. Choosing an oil that perfectly pairs with the food will therefore give your dishes a superior gastronomic value.