Is it good to heat up extra virgin olive oil?

The most common use of extra virgin olive oil is undoubtedly in its raw form; for example, it is widely used in salads, seasonings and sauces. It is rumored that this oil should not be used to cook hot dishes. Nevertheless, nothing could be further from the truth. You can cook with extra virgin olive oil, and indeed you should.


The reason is very simple: olive oil is a very stable oil, owing to the amount of monounsaturat-ed fats that it contains. As a result, it can reach high temperatures without losing its nutritional components. In addition, it does not become toxic, unlike some other oils that spoil at high tempera-tures due to their instability.

It is true that it is the most expensive olive oil on the market – it is for precisely this reason that some think that it should only be eaten raw. Its price is high because of how healthy it is at both high and low temperatures.

In short, you can cook with extra virgin olive oil. For example, if you are going to cook meat, my recommendation is that you use Carapelli Organic, since it will enhance all its flavor. Use Carapelli oils daily and enjoy a healthy, high quality and ex-quisite taste to the fullest.

Enjoy your favorite dishes with the aroma of extra virgin olive oil.

What is a ketogenic diet?

One of the diets that is a huge success nowadays is known as the ketogenic diet or the keto diet. The first time that I heard about it, I was very interested: it goes against most existing diets as its key theme is eating “fatty” foods to lose weight.

Why is the ketogenic diet effective?

As you probably know, most of the body’s energy comes from carbohydrates. But this diet proposes a metabolic revolution: using good fats as the main source of energy – a process known as “ketosis”.

In order to reach ketosis, it is important to minimize the intake of carbohydrates, to allow the body to begin to use and burn (body and ingested) fat energy, which provides much more energy than that which is acquired through carbohydrates.

Before continuing, you should know that, if you plan to carry out this diet or any similar, I recommend you to consult a nutritionist expert, who can advise on whether it is the right one for you or not.

What does it consist of?

The main element in this diet is healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil and olives, owing to their nutritional values. They also sate the appetite, meaning that hunger is considerably reduced throughout the day.

Apart from fats, lots of vegetables that are low in carbohydrates need to be eaten. Therefore asparagus, spinach, tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, pepper, zucchini, lettuce, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are highly recommended in the ketogenic diet.

As for protein, the ideal is to consume products that are high in healthy fats such as salmon, certain seafood, and meat. Cheese and eggs are also good, as they as they have low levels of carbohydrate.

And of course the main thing is to reduce by almost 100% the intake of carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals, pulses, root vegetables, sugar, and all processed food. You should keep in mind that the maximum carbohydrates to be consumed in the ketogenic diet is fifty grams per day.

Nevertheless, this new way of eating revolutionizes the typical concept of a diet where you reduce fat consumption as much as possible in order to lose weight. But don’t forget that natural fats, such as olive oil, are healthy and necessary for the body, owing to their nutritional value. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to hear that we are living a healthy life with them as the main source of energy

Fuente: The Lancet

What countries are the main producers of olive oil?

Olive oil is one of the main ingredients of the Mediterranean diet, and the name clearly hints at where it is produced. The territory is none other than the Mediterranean basin. But do you know which countries are the largest producers of the extra virgin olive oil you consume on a daily basis? I’ll tell you a bit more.


The famous Mediterranean diet has its rationale. The countries that stand out most for growing and harvesting the olives used to make olive oil are Spain, Italy, Greece, Tunisia and Portugal. Of these countries, Spain stands out as the largest producer.

Thanks to the quality of our olive groves and the tradition of producing olive oil, we have accumulated mastery and know how, for instance at Carapelli. We are able to enjoy the aromas, nuances and characteristic flavor of olive oil. Today this culture is spreading beyond borders and increasingly reaching more people.


First of all, due to the weather conditions, which are ideal for growing olives. On the other hand, thanks to the qualities of the soil. Both these features create the perfect combination to produce the purest olive juice you can imagine.

At Carapelli, when it comes to selecting the best olives, our Master Oliari visit all the olive groves and oil mills to seek out the best oils. Our master blenders are in charge of combining the oils from the different types of olives. This is possible thanks to the wisdom and heritage encapsulated in over 125 years of the finest craft.

With the main producers of our favorite extra virgin olive oil just around the corner, next on the list is enjoying all the nuances of EVOO in every one of our dishes.

Olive oil calories and nutritional information

I believe it is essential to know what I’m eating, particularly where packaged products are concerned. Healthy eating is paramount. As you are also interested in what you’re consuming, I want to tell you a bit about the nutritional value of olive oil.


As a starting point, I’m basing the serving on a minimum amount of olive oil to be consumed in a day: 28 grams or two tablespoons per day. This portion has just 126 calories. Adding oil to salad, for example, can really help with weight loss or maintaining your figure. Olive oil helps to satisfy your appetite and keep your caloric intake low.

Hand hold purple stethoscope and vegetables with sauce of salad on white wooden background (top view and space of tex)


Furthermore, the nutritional value of olive oil in terms of fatty acids is excellent: out of 27 grams of fatty acids, just 4g are saturated and 2g are polyunsaturated fatty acids, whilst being high in monounsaturated fatty acids —approximately 20g. These proportions explain why olive oil is one of the most stable when it comes to the oil being heated.

Vitamin E holds star status when talking about the vitamin content of olive oil. The portion upon which I’m basing these quantities contains 1.3mg. This vitamin confers an antioxidant quality to this delicacy. In addition, the portion contains 0.28g of protein, zinc and selenium, as well as 0.28g of vitamins B1, B2 and B6.

This nutritional information for olive oil is a clear indication that olive oil sets a delicious example for healthy eating.

Source: NCBI

How many varieties of olive tree are there?

Each gender, over the years, has adapted to be in the optimal conditions to survive. Thanks to that, we can enjoy a great wealth of olive trees.

Are there more than 10 varieties of olive tree?

Yes, and I always find it surprising that a single tree can have so many varieties. Having said that, it is perfectly understandable. Numerous varieties exist because not all trees can survive each type of weather, terrain or disease. There are varieties of olive tree, for example, that can endure humid environments and resist the fungi that grow as a result of that humidity, but there are other olive trees that would not be able to survive these conditions.

As you are probably aware, each type of olive tree adapts over time to the best conditions that help it survive. Thanks to this, we are able to enjoy olive trees in abundance: in Italy alone 633 different varieties can be found, and in Spain there are 410. Even understanding the reason for this, it never ceases to amaze me how many varieties of olive tree there are.

The most distinguished olive tree varieties and the taste of their olives

Today I’d like to share with you the most delectable varieties of olive tree that produce the best ol-ive oils: Arbequina, Coratina, Hojiblanca and Picual olive trees.

The Arbequina olive tree produces a small fruit with a large pit, so it does not give off too much pulp. However, its fruity and sweet flavor makes it one of the smoothest varieties. This type of olive is usually blended with other varieties that have a more intense flavor, thus obtaining a mild flavor between them.

Olive grove and cloudy sky

The Coratina olive tree variety stands out for the premium quality of the oil it produces. It also has a fruity flavor but, in comparison with Arbequina olives, it is very intense. Furthermore, it has a high polyphenol content, making it particularly beneficial in helping to prevent degenerative diseases such as diabetes and cancer. I am sure you will agree with me that these characteristics help make it one of the best varieties.

Hojiblanca is another of my favorite olive trees. This olive tree is mainly found in Spain and is characterized by the whitish hue on the underside of its leaves. The flavor of its olives is reminiscent of bitter almond and artichoke, accompanied by a light spicy twist. The olive oil extracted from this variety should be stored in a dark container due to its susceptibility to oxidation.

Last but not least, the Picual olive tree variety produces an intensely flavored fruit that stands out for its bitterness and spiciness. It may sometimes have the aroma of tomato, fig or grass, depending on the earliness or lateness of the harvest. These olives produce a very stable olive oil that is resistant to oxidation, which makes it one of the most produced oils in Spain.

Why is extra virgin olive oil healthy?

The topic of extra virgin olive oil came up when I was at lunch recently. Everyone I was there with knew that olive oil was healthy, but they didn’t all know the reasons why. That left me thinking, and I decided it would be a good idea to write down the reasons why extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest foods available to us.

It lowers cholesterol

Thanks to its fatty acids, extra virgin olive oil helps to reduce harmful cholesterol (LDL). This means it helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, it optimizes blood circulation and, therefore, combats high blood pressure.

It helps prevent disease and slow the aging process

Another reason extra virgin olive oil is healthy is that it contains antioxidants which strengthen the immune system and, as a result, make you less susceptible to diseases. Antioxidants also help to keep the cells of the body in top condition, something that slows the feeling of aging on your skin.

Hand hold purple stethoscope and vegetables with sauce of salad on white wooden background (top view and space of tex)

Extra virgin olive oil helps you to maintain a healthy weight

Poor eating habits and eating in excess are the main factors that lead to a person being overweight. We can see that olive oil is quite nutritious, with the added benefit of satisfying your hunger. Furthermore, switching the oil used to fry foods from another type of oil to olive oil means less oil is absorbed by the food, which in turn means no more oil is consumed than is necessary.

Natural anti-inflammatory

Thanks to its high oleocanthal content, extra virgin olive oil has an anti-inflammatory function. As a matter of fact, it works particularly well for inflammation of the joints. In this respect, consuming extra virgin olive oil is especially healthy for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or for helping to prevent it.


Oleocanthal also contributes to the prevention of and fight against cancer. This component of olive oil inhibits tumor processes, destroying one of the proteins of the cancer cells and preventing these cells from replicating.

I know that neither of us needs excuses to have olive oil in our diets. But isn’t it fantastic that as well as its exquisite flavor, it is also so healthy?

Fuente: NCBI

When should you use extra virgin olive oil??

As you know, extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest and most delicious olive oil there is. Adding this type of olive oil to my meals is one of the things I most enjoy in life. With that in mind, today I’d like to tell you how I usually use extra virgin olive oil.

In the frying pan

It is very convenient to fry with this kind of oil as it is one of the most stable oils. This means it does not become toxic at high temperatures. What is more, a layer of oil forms around the food while frying, which means that the food doesn’t absorb any more fat than needed so it will contain just the right amount of oil. If you are cooking over a low heat, this oil will enhance the flavor of your dishes.

Uses of raw olive oil

The classic use of extra virgin olive oil is raw. A little Carapelli Organic oil with salads, cooked vegetables, soups, purées and pasta is a kitchen basic. I also recommend adding a drizzle of oil to meat that has already been cooked, or to fish, so that it is wonderfully juicy and mouth-watering on the palate.

I even love it at breakfast time on bread with a little tomato. Or as a starter before the main meal: a little olive oil in a small dish with a couple of drops of balsamic and salt. Delicious!

How to infuse olive oil

I love all aspects of the taste of olive oil: whether natural, aromatic or infused. I’m sure you feel the same way. Whilst natural olive oil is the taste of family tradition, an aromatic or infused oil completely transforms the flavor of your dishes.

I have my own recipes for infused olive oils and have spent time perfecting them over the years. My family loves it when I use these infusions in my cooking. I would love for you to experience the satisfaction of discovering and improving your own infused olive oil recipes, so I want to share with you how to flavor olive oil for when you want to add a Gourmet touch to your dishes.

The best way to falvor olive oil

When I started teaching myself the art of adding flavor to olive oil, I confused the distinction between aromatic oil and infused oil. I quickly learned the difference. Creating aromatic olive oil involves adding the spices to raw oil and leaving it to marinate for at least two weeks. Flavoring olive oil is something very different. This is how to do it:

Add one cup of olive oil to a pan, and to that add the ingredients you want to infuse it with. Such as: garlic, pepper, thyme or chili peppers. Heat it on low heat so that the chemistry takes place without burning the added ingredients or the oil itself. It is essential to have a kitchen thermometer nearby so you can measure the temperature of the oil. Once it reaches 140ºF (60ºC), take it off the heat and leave it for an hour to infuse.

Once you have done this, strain the olive oil and pour it into a glass bottle. It’s then ready for you to enjoy with the dish of your choice.

Possible olive oil flavors

To choose what you want to flavor your olive oil with, it is important that you know what you want to use the oil for. Preparing a special oil for salads is not the same as preparing an oil for pizzas.

Olive oil infused with garlic, pepper and bay leaf is a good place to start because this works with any dish: red meat, white meat, fish, pasta and any savory dish that you’d like to enhance.

garlic marinated

If you wish to prepare an Italian recipe, infuse extra virgin olive oil with basil, garlic and salt to produce a delicious and consistent infused oil. Another option is to infuse your oil with oregano, bay leaf and salt.

For salads it is best to infuse your oil with lemon zest.

I recommend you try various ingredients to make your infused olive oil, until you find the perfect match for your dishes.

Is olive oil good for cooking?

That’s right, dear Reader. As well as being the most delicious oil available, it is also one of the healthiest, whether raw or cooked. Personally, I cook daily with this type of oil to help me stay healthy and keep in shape.

Just two tablespoons of olive oil per day is enough for your body to feel the beneficial effects. That is why cooking with olive oil is not only good for you, it is also the best option.

Enjoy food in the summertime

I am sure the same happens to you: with the arrival of warmer weather what I want to eat most is light and fresh food. My favorite summer dishes are salads, and olive oil is great for dressing them. Salad as a summer food is obviously nothing new. At this time of year we expend less energy than we do in winter, and as a result our calorie intake should be lower. A salad with the perfect dressing is wonderful: it refreshes, it is low in calories, and the olive oil leaves you feeling satiated.

Fresh salad with chicken breast, arugula and tomato on a plate

My personal choice for salads, which I highly recommend, is Il Nobile extra virgin olive oil. Its palatable and balanced flavor will superbly complement the fresh flavors of the garden.

I will never get tired of repeating this: cooking with olive oil is not only good, it is perfect.

Complete Mediterranean diet food list

It has been known for several years now that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet there is. It’s true, we all understand this, but do you know which foods feature in the Mediterranean diet and why they are so healthy? Today I’d like to show you the Mediterranean diet food list. Because it’s more than just a diet, it is a way of life in which health is a top priority.

Olive oil, a typical product in the Mediterranean diet food list

The ideal daily amount of olive oil is two large tablespoons that you can savor in a delicious salad, over steamed vegetables or with any other food. This food helps protect against cardiovascular disease, as well as being rich in vitamin E, carotenes, fats that help to control cholesterol levels, and antioxidants.


Garbanzo beans, lentils, beans, soybeans, to name but a few, are essential legumes for a healthy diet. They are high in protein, contain vitamins, fiber and are also low in calories. Every legume has its own characteristics. For example, lentils are high in iron, garbanzo beans contain potassium, and beans help reduce harmful cholesterol.


Two cups of unsweetened natural yogurt per day help increase the body’s defenses, enrich intestinal flora, help with weight loss and the prevention of cancer, among many other benefits.


The Mediterranean diet food list is based on the food pyramid. So we cannot forget carbohydrates. Consuming up to 80 grams of rice, bread, or pasta each day provides the necessary amount of energy for daily activity.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are essential. You can eat as much as you want. I particularly recommend eating grapes from the region as they are rich in antioxidants that, in addition to slowing the aging process, help to prevent cancer as well as cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.

Grilled meat, chicken skewers and sausage with roasted vegetables and appetizers variety serving on party outdoor table. Mediterranean dinner table concept. Overhead view.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic is an excellent natural antibiotic. A regular intake of garlic helps to strengthen your immune system. It also keeps your blood pressure balanced, helps to prevent cardiovascular disease and helps to decrease harmful cholesterol levels. Onion counteracts the glucose in the blood, so it is ideal for prediabetic and diabetic people.

This is the Mediterranean diet food list that you should consume on a daily basis. Fish, eggs, white meat, red meat and potatoes are foods that form part of the Mediterranean diet, and you should consume these once a week.

Source: NCBI