Olive oil vs vegetable oil. Which is healthier?

Olive oil is derived from the fruit of the olive tree: the olive, and thus forms part of the vegetable oil group. Originating from the vegetable kingdom, you might think that all oils belonging to this group are equally healthy. However, this is not the case. Each vegetable oil has properties that make it more or less healthy. So, knowing the difference between olive oil and other vegetable oils is essential for your health.

Mediterranean food with olives, fresh and sundried tomatoes, garlic, lemon, oil and ciabatta bread on olive wood board with wheat sheaths and rolls.


As you are well aware, oils are made up of fatty acids, and their quality largely depends on the amount of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated or saturated fatty acids that they consist of.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are the healthiest for the cardiovascular system, followed by polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are also considered beneficial but to a lesser degree. However, saturated fats are harmful to your health, and it is important to avoid foods that contain them in large quantities.


Having said that, all that remains now is to decide who wins the contest between olive oil and other vegetable oils.

As an example let’s take sunflower oil, one of the oils that is most widely consumed on a regular basis. The monounsaturated fatty acid content in this oil is only 16%; on the other hand, 72% of its contents are polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is a good oil, but it could be better. One such better oil could be extra virgin olive oil, which has 75% monounsaturated fatty acids and 10% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

I could carry on comparing olive oil with other vegetable oils on the market, but it would take up too much of your time because, ultimately, olive oil is the one that contains the most monounsaturated fatty acids. So whenever you plan to consume a vegetable oil, think of your health. Choose an optimum quality extra virgin olive oil.

Source: Heart.org

What is the acidity level of extra virgin olive oil?

As you well know, olive oil acidity is not related to its taste. Rather, the acidity levels determine whether or not an olive oil is of superior quality, medium quality or one that is not suitable for consumption. The lower the level of acidity, the better the nutritional quality of the oil.

Green Olives in Spoon


This feature of olive oil is determined by its molecular composition. Oil is made up of fatty acidst that generally come in groups of three, thanks to glycerol, the molecule that unites them. This group is called triglyceride.

This glycerol can easily be subject to degradation in oxidizing or aggressive environments, causing the triglyceride molecules to be destroyed, leaving free fatty acids. These free fatty acids determine the level of olive oil acidity. The greater the quantity of free fatty acids, the higher the acidity, consequently reducing the quality of the olive oil.


The only thing left to do now is to determine the acidity levels in order to choose an optimum quality oil. To begin with, an olive oil should never exceed 2% acidity, and if it does, that oil should not be on the market as it is not healthy.

Virgin olive oil acidity is usually lower than 2%, and the extra virgin variety, which is the highest quality, has less than 0.8% acidity, as is the case with Carapelli oils. The latter is the optimum oil for consumption.

Health is the most important thing we have, so don’t skimp when it comes to getting the best quality food. That’s why you should make sure the acidity of the olive oil you consume is as low as possible, as is the case with our extra virgin oils that, in addition to a supreme quality, will awaken all of your senses.

Source: NCBI

How to harvest olives to obtain the best oil?

We all like the taste of olives and olive oil. I find the whole process fascinating: from the moment when the olive tree starts sprouting its first leaves, to the time it bears its first fruits. Everything needs patience, but the first harvest of an olive tree that you have watched grow from nothing is an enormous pleasure. Contemplating this made me think of telling you today about how olives are harvested to obtain a delicious, high quality olive oil.

Farmer collecting harvested olives in the net


We all like the taste of olives and olive oil. I find the whole process fascinating: from the moment when the olive tree starts sprouting its first leaves, to the time it bears its first fruits. Everything needs patience, but the first harvest of an olive tree that you have watched grow from nothing is an enormous pleasure. Contemplating this made me think of telling you today about how olives are harvested to obtain a delicious, high quality olive oil.


In order to determine that olives are ready to be picked, the fruit must have reached its maximum size without changing color. The optimal picking moment is when they are still green, that’s when you can extract the finest oil with the best quality and flavor.

In the warmest regions of Europe, the perfect time for ripened olives is the end of October. For colder areas, November is usually one of the main months for picking.


One of the best ways of harvesting olives is by tree-shaking. The trunk of the tree is shaken so that the olives that are ready fall from the olive tree. A net is placed underneath so that the fruits do not hit the ground. This is one of the methods that guarantees a quality oil.

To be sure to achieve a quality oil, the ideal option is to harvest the olives by hand. Each fruit ripens in its own time, and picking them by hand ensures that the fruits are at just the right moment of ripening. This is how olives are harvested for our Carapelli extra virgin olive oils. Picking the best olives by hand, one by one, helps to achieve a premium quality oil.

This is why our oils are a work of art: each harvested olive can be considered a brushstroke for creating the perfect canvas. It is a method that takes time but its wonderful aroma, its texture, its flavor and its premium quality are indisputable.

How much saturated fat is in olive oil

As with any oil, olive oil is composed of fatty acids. The difference between olive oil and other kinds of oil is the proportion of the types of fatty acids it contains. As you are well aware, there are two types of fatty acids that are responsible for determining whether or not a product is of high or low quality: saturated fatty acids, which are bad for you, and monounsaturated fatty acids, which are healthier. Today I want to tell you about how much saturated fat is in olive oil.

Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats

Before we continue, I’d like to refresh your memory about these two types of fats and the differences between them.

Saturated fats are characterized by their solid composition at room temperature, though they are not always visible because sometimes they are inherent in food. This type of fat increases the levels of cholesterol that is harmful to health. It can cause blood vessel blockages, increasing, therefore, the possibility of suffering cardiovascular disease. Olive oil contains just 10% to 15% of these fats. It is one of the vegetable oils with the lowest percentages.

Conversely, there are monounsaturated fats, whose consumption changes everything. Unlike saturated fats, these have a liquid composition at room temperature. Fatty acids that contain monounsaturated fats help to reduce cholesterol that is harmful to health. How much saturated fat is in olive oil is not relevant when the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids is so high —between 73% and 75%. To put it another way, the monounsaturated fatty acids offset the saturated fatty acids referred to above.

Sliced fresh bread for dipping and enjoying with extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil: the secret of many diets

As olive oil is the oil with the most monounsaturated fats among vegetable oils, it is one of the favorites for many diets. I’m sure you already know about the Mediterranean diet, for example, which suggests consuming two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil each day. The Keto diet is another diet that considers olive oil as one of the key ingredients for nutrition.

In short, extra virgin olive oil is incredibly healthy thanks to its high percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids, which promote superb cardiovascular health. You now know how much saturated fat is in olive oil, and that its proportions are not a problem for health; indeed, it is the most recommended oil for keeping you healthy. If you add premium quality to this, such as that of our oils, the result is unparalleled.

How long is olive oil good for?

As you already know, all food reaches a moment at which it loses its qualities. In order to know how long olive oil is good for, you need to take various factors into consideration: whether the oil has been filtered; whether it has been refined; and the amount of polyphenols —antioxidants— it contains.

The amount of polyphenols can be detected in the color and flavor of the oil. Polyphenols are responsible for giving the oil a bitter and spicy taste. In simple appearance terms, the more polyphenols it has, the greener the olive oil is, which means it will last a long time.

A virgin olive oil with a high polyphenol content can last from 18 months to 3 years. A filtered olive oil, or one with a low polyphenol content, lasts for between 1 and 2 years. A fresh and unfiltered extra virgin olive oil lasts for the shortest amount of time: from 3 to 6 months.

How to preserve quality olive oil

Liquid gold should be cared for as a very precious possession. It requires specific handling in order to preserve all of its nutrients. How long olive oil is good for also largely depends on how it is stored at home.

Exposure to direct light impairs the quality of the oil. For this reason, it is best to keep it in a small and dark, sealable container, since it can be oxidized by oxygen. In addition, the ideal temperature for its nutrients to stay intact is in the region of 20ºC (68ºF). So find a place in your kitchen, or in the house, that is normally at that temperature to store your oil.

If you would like your olive oil to stay in the best condition for as long as possible, it is essential to choose an oil such as Carapelli Oro Verde extra virgin olive oil, which contains a high quantity of polyphenols and has an unbeatable aroma.

The importance of the master oliari choosing the olive tree

Olive trees produce all types of olives, with fruits that achieve absolute perfection and others that don’t finish growing, or that ripen early. As you might imagine, when not all of the olives are good, the oil loses quality. That is why our Oliari Masters are responsible for selecting the very best olives in order to achieve a premium olive oil.

How are the best olive trees selected?

If you have strolled through an olive grove before, you will know how it feels to walk among leafy trees that release that wonderful aroma. The best olive trees are those whose fruit reach the optimal ripening point without any setbacks. Oliari Masters observe the natural cycle and select the best fruits from the best trees.

When the olives have reached their maximum growth, are still green and have a perfect oval shape, they will be selected. These olives ensure that an olive oil with a delicious flavor and maximum quality is produced.

Sliced fresh bread for dipping and enjoying with extra virgin olive oil.

The picking of olives is not just a craft, it is an art form in which tradition plays a major part. A quality olive oil is a delicacy which requires experts who are able to recognize the beauty and perfection of a fruit. We depend on our Oliari Masters because we strive to produce olive oils that are works of art.

Can you fry with olive oil?

We have already discussed the use of olive oil for frying. So I’m sure you will agree with me that extra virgin olive oil is the best oil you can use for frying thanks to its high stability at high temperatures. You may assume that frying in a pan is not the same as using a fryer and you may be wondering if you can use olive oil for deep-frying. The answer is yes.


We have already discussed the use of olive oil for frying. So I’m sure you will agree with me that extra virgin olive oil is the best oil you can use for frying thanks to its high stability at high temperatures. You may assume that frying in a pan is not the same as using a fryer and you may be wondering if you can use olive oil for deep-frying. The answer is yes.


As you are aware, monounsaturated fatty acids help reduce LDL cholesterol. Remember too that we are talking about one of the most stable oils, since its smoke point is later than that of other oils. It therefore supports several uses, and, as I mentioned at the start, withstands high temperatures.

The belief that frying is fattening is based on the fact that fried foods absorb more oil than the daily recommendation. One of the basic qualities of frying with extra virgin olive oil, however, is that it doesn’t just permeate the food. Its density means the inside can be cooked through, while giving the outside a crunchy texture without saturating the food.

To achieve the best results when using olive oil for deep-frying, remember not to let the oil heat to a temperature higher than 180ºC (356ºF). If it passes this point and starts smoking, it means it has burned and consuming it is not advisable.


One of the essentials for frying with a fryer is knowing when to change the oil so that you continue to eat healthily, using the best quality oil. I would therefore like you to keep in mind the following to determine whether you can reuse the olive oil that’s in the fryer.

• When the oil takes a long time to heat up but then cools quickly, this is a sign that the olive oil has lost some of its properties and, furthermore, that it is degrading. This moment should be avoided, but if it happens, don’t hesitate to change the oil.

• When the olive oil in the fryer is heated, small bubbles will appear in the oil. If you notice that these bubbles are bigger than usual, this also means you have to change it.

• Another indication that the oil is spoiled is when it starts to get a reddish hue that it didn’t have previously, and its consistency is more dense than usual.

Also remember that the oil has to be filtered every time it is used in order to eliminate potential impurities or food debris, thus ensuring the taste and quality of your dishes.

Top view of a fresh salad plate surrounded by an olive oil bottle, balsamic vinegar and two serving scoops, one filled with sea salt and the other one filled with pepper. Objects are on a rustic wooden table. The lower right corner is empty so you can use it as a copy space. Low key DSLR photo taken with Canon EOS 6D Mark II and Canon EF 24-105 mm f/4L

If you have a fryer, use a Carapelli extra virgin olive oil. Fried food can also be gourmet food, and I can assure you that with our olive oils you will be able to prove it. People who have tried my fried foods always want to know the secret: it’s not the ingredients of my croquettes, or the vegetables I use for tempura, it’s the quality of my oil.


Extra virgin olive oil nutrition facts

I imagine that by now you know what the benefits of consuming olive oil are. I’m not just talking about its delicious aroma, texture and flavor, but also its nutritional properties. As you are well aware, two tablespoons of olive oil is the ideal amount for achieving and maintaining impeccable cardiovascular health.


I imagine that by now you know what the benefits of consuming olive oil are. I’m not just talking about its delicious aroma, texture and flavor, but also its nutritional properties. As you are well aware, two tablespoons of olive oil is the ideal amount for achieving and maintaining impeccable cardiovascular health.

If you take a look at the extra virgin olive oil nutritional facts, you will see that the level of monounsaturated fatty acids is high. This is a fantastic thing as this type of fatty acid is responsible for reducing “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Furthermore, its high polyphenol composition is ideal, making the oil an essential natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In this sense, the cells of your body will remain young and healthy, decreasing your likelihood of developing degenerative illnesses.


Consuming high quality extra virgin olive oil, such as Carapelli olive oils, doesn’t just ensure an exquisite flavor, doing so also helps to protect your health. The fineness of our olive trees, the meticulousness with which the olives are selected by our Oliari Masters, and the respectful way in which we pick the olives come together to create the very best extra virgin olive oil.

The nutritional benefits of extra virgin olive oil are greatly enhanced when the oil is of excellent quality. Consuming two tablespoons of Carapelli olive oil per day, whether in a salad, a smoothie, a main dish or on a slice of bread, will make you feel lighter and healthier while allowing you to enjoy an unbeatable taste.


What are the key ingredients of the Mediterranean diet?

As you no doubt already know, the Mediterranean diet has a multitude of health benefits, especially for your cardiovascular health. I am a true lover of this diet, not just because it is healthy but also because it is the diet that best suits me and the one that I enjoy the most. Today I am here to tell you all about the Mediterranean diet food pyramid, so that you can more easily access and enjoy this glorious way of life just as much as I do.

Taking care of your body

When I stroll through the olive grove, I’m not just admiring the beauty of the olive trees and taking in the fragrance of their fruits, I’m also doing it as a daily physical activity. Moving the body is vital for healthy living, and it’s for this reason that the foundation of this pyramid focuses on keeping the body moving.

Aside from that, drinking fluids such as water or infusion drinks is essential to stay well hydrated and to have optimal digestive function.

In the Mediterranean diet food pyramid, what foods should you consume?

At each main meal time you should consume one or two fruits —preferably half an hour before starting your meal. A large quantity of fruit, olive oil and cereals —the more that can be whole grains, the better— is added to the base of the Mediterranean diet food pyramid. You can add a special touch to your dishes with herbs, spices, garlic and onion to draw out their flavors.

A daily intake of olives (such as Carapelli’s Peranzana or Taggiasca), nuts and seeds is encouraged. These are also ideal snack foods for satisfying hunger. It is also recommended that you consume dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, but without overindulging.

Eat fish, seafood, white meat, eggs and legumes twice a week. It’s a good idea to only eat red meat, sausages and potatoes once a week, and to reserve sweet foods such as desserts and ice cream for very special occasions.

As you can see, no foods are prohibited, they are merely limited in their consumption. If you base your meals on vegetables, olive oil and cereals you will notice more energy, vitality and lightness in your body, while enjoying a superb meal.

Organic olive oil, a trend in oils on the market

For some time now there has been more awareness of the need to care for the environment, as well as the human body. You’re sure to be well acquainted with the concept of organic food, which is sometimes also referred to as ‘ecological’ food.


For some time now there has been more awareness of the need to care for the environment, as well as the human body. You’re sure to be well acquainted with the concept of organic food, which is sometimes also referred to as ‘ecological’ food.

Today I bring you one of the best organic virgin olive oils so that you can taste the exquisiteness of your own health and that of the planet. But first I’d like to tell you exactly what makes an olive oil organic.


Olive oil is organic when it uses products that respect nature throughout the entire production process. Thus, organic olive oil respects the environment right from the beginning —from the moment of planting—, all the way through to the end —the packaging process.

This way, organic olive oil is free from pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and chemicals that could be used during the production process to facilitate harvesting. Oil that reflects nature’s perfect balance is obtained instead, allowing the tree to bear fruit without any intervention in its natural process.

Carapelli extra virgin olive oil, therefore, possesses a unique quality. Its flavor holds the wisdom of the earth, which bears fruit if we leave it be. Furthermore, its excellent quality can be detected in its aroma and wonderful consistency. This is, without a doubt, the best way to be in harmony with the planet as well as with yourself.